Privacy Policy
NEXCO Central Nippon Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called "the Company") conducts the following core business activities: customer service operations such as customer center operations and area concierge operations, personnel dispatch operations, personnel dispatch and business support operations such as training and human resource development operations, land acquisition operations, and real estate operations such as road site management operations.
  1. Compliance with laws and regulations
    The Company will comply with laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information, guidelines established by the government, and other standards, and will make every possible use of the protection of personal information.tika
  2. Acquisition, use and providing of personal information
    Personal information handled by the Company shall be appropriately acquired, used, and provided within the scope of the purpose of use, taking into account the content and scale of the business, and will not be used for any other purpose. In addition, the Company will take measures to prevent the use of the product for purposes other than the purpose of use.
    The Company shall comply with the privacy policy prescribed by the Company and manage the personal information of customers acquired by the Company through the provision of this application appropriately.
    The Company may use the information (location information acquired by the GPS function) acquired by the use of this application by the customer for this application or related services or other businesses of our company.
    (Including preparation of statistical data and provision to a third party to the extent necessary for the business)
    When providing information to a third party, the Company will take appropriate anonymization measures and will not reidentify the anonymized information. In addition, when providing this information to a third party, the contract prohibits the provider from re-identifying.
    The Company will not provide your personal information to third parties regardless of the provisions of our privacy policy.
  3. Appropriate acquisition
    When the Company acquires personal information, it will do so by law and fair means.
  4. Prevention and correction of leakage, loss or damage of personal information
    With regard to risks such as leakage, loss or damage of personal information, the Company will implement measures to prevent and correct accidents, etc., and continuously improve the security system for personal information.
  5. Obligations of employees
    Employees strictly refrain from unreleasingly informing others of the contents of personal information obtained in the course of their work or using it for undue purposes, and will comply with their obligations under this Policy.
  6. Continuous improvement of the personal information protection management system
    The Company shall establish, implement, maintain, and continuously improve the Personal Information Management System (a management system that includes policies, rules, standards, organizations, plans, implementation, audits and reviews) to ensure that all employees are aware of the importance of protecting personal information and appropriately protect personal information.

This policy will be open to the public and made known to all employees, and the Company will strive to educate and raise awareness of the protection of personal information. The Company will respond appropriately to inquiries, consultations, complaints, etc. regarding this policy and personal information. NEXCO Central Nippon Service Co., Ltd. Personal Information Consultation Desk (TEL. 052-222-9991) Please contact us.

Kaname Ito
President and CEO
NEXCO Central Nippon Service Co., Ltd.

Revised on June 28, 2023